Minggu, 08 April 2018

Make Frequent Urination, Stay Away from Tea and Coffee Sahur Time

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Make Frequent Urination, Stay Away from Tea and Coffee Sahur Time


Jakarta, Except hunger, fasting also requires to withstand thirst. In order to perform fasting more easily and not easily thirsty, the expert mentions the good away tea and coffee drinks at dawn. Dr. Ermita I. Ilyas, MS, AIFO from the Department of Medical Physiology Faculty of Medicine Campus Indonesia (FKUI) said it is better to avoid drinks in the form of diuretic (peluruh urine). Coffee and tea for example, can increase the frequency of urination until it can cause fast thirst during fasting. "Stay away from consuming coffee and tea because it can cause urination until body fluids rapidly shrink and cause dehydration," "said Dr. Ermita when contacted detikHealth and written Wednesday (24/06/2015). Also read: Dehydration, Reduce Consumption This Fasting Time Dr. Dr Saptawati Bardosono, MS, SpGK, nutritionist from the Department of Nutrition Science FKUI says it's good to avoid adding sugar when dawn. With a very sweet drink, the body will also absorb the liquid faster until the sensation of haunted hunger. "" Whatever type of drink is strived for no added sugar because it will also increase thirst and hunger, "" he said. He also said there was a special drinking water formation when fasting. "" The need for healthy adults in the sense that there is no specific disease of at least 2 liters or 8 glasses of water a day. Well because during the fast when we are limited, so it can be used groove 2-4-2, "" he said so long ago. The 2-4-2 drinking draft is concluded by drinking two glasses of water at breaking fast, four glasses at night to near sleep, and two more glasses at mealtime. At least with this formation, the minimum fluid requirement for adults is sufficient. "" When fasting is indeed we experience light dehydration with a sign of thirst, dry mouth. Therefore, the time to break the fast, replace the water that comes out of the body during the busy all day just now, then eat with snacks that are not too sweet, do not forget to also consume fruit, especially the water content of many. When eating vegetables, determine the berkuah, "" recommended doctor who is familiarly called Dr. Tati it. Also read: This is the Argument Desire BAB Out After Drinking Coffee (mrs / up)